Saturday, August 1, 2009

Potsdam August 1, 2009

What have I done this last week? Hanging out with myself, wandering the streets, going to sites, spending time to have time. It is still weird for me and ever so often the nagging voice in my head is scolding me for not working on Europress, and the 2010 summit, future of Globalpress etc. The nagger is probably right and I have to listen to him next week and get my shit together. But it is hard because I begin to like not to have every minute planned and going for a swim in one of the beautiful lakes at the spur of a moment.
The last week I spent exploring the more recent dark history of Potsdam. I spent several our in a jail memorial where beginning 1933 political prisoners oposing Hitler were held, then after 1945 the East German Stasi used it until 1989. Just so many sad stories and I was the only visitor. it is not a place Potsdam promotes in its tourist information. They'd rather have you go to the parks, estates and castles. I spent some good time with my friend Anette who also joined e for the big street party last Saturday. She is not entirely well so she left early while I enjoyed the many bands until 1 in the morning. Great fun!
Now Anette is travelling the Dneper river and won't be back for a while. My last visiors left today. Anke and Rudi, my cousin from Luebeck stayed 2 days and it was a lovely visit. Highlight was a night cruise on the river Havel with a tiny, historic, restored little boot including dinner. only 30 people enjoyed silently slipping through small green canals to reach a larger river , then a small lake, then the biggest lake called the Wannsee to enter yet another river arm. This all through the bright sun, twilight and then darkness with the moon rising. Very pretty indeed.

The weather is a constgant topic here but now can really say that it has been wonderful and I enjoy every minute outside. Tomorrow I might just take a book and sit in Schloss Sans Souci and read or watch people.

Not much contact with Daniel these days. He is probably emerged in his own life.


  1. Hi Irmi dear, I love to read about what you're doing. I'm trying to get my blogs back in business, but FaceBook is the easist way to "see" what's up here. I am glad you're having some alone time -- I know that unsettled feeling -- it takes a long time to get happy just yourself alone without any "shoulds" or people to fuss about. Enjoy the lovely view (inner and outer!!), hugs and kisses, Jenny

  2. Hallo Irmi, schön, wieder von dir zu hören! Kristina und ich sind gerade von unserer Backpacking-Tour in Yosemite wiedergekommen. Es war echt super - das wäre auch mal etwas für dich (mehr Details später). Hört sich an, als ob du die Zeit in Potsdam genießt und voll auskostest? Bin gespannt, was du daraus für Schlüsse ziehen wirst und freue mich auf den persönlichen Bericht, wenn du wieder da bist. Schick mir noch einmal deine Flugdaten zu... LG Britta
